
my 8 yr old son

(who wants to be a mathematical scientist or a famous inventor)

IMG_5241shadebrought me home

a gift today:


first attempt

at weaving.

i have

this feeling

 that someday,

when he’s

learned the technical

terms to explain,

he’ll give me

the fuller details

behind the reason for each color placement and each pattern change…

for now, i love it.

so will the pages of whatever book i choose to ‘mark’ with it.

if you knew this kid, you’d know what i mean,

but this one is out to change the world

one multi-colored strand at a time

or something like that.

don’t say i didn’t

warn you.

‘first’ taken from 4:27-29 of mark.

2 thoughts on “waft

  1. This boy has a wonderful sense of colour! His weaving is even and lovely too. Such a pretty bookmark he made just for you. 🙂

    • he told me it should have words on it and then he wanted to wire it to do something electronic. he’s always a few steps ahead of me. i said, ‘i think it would make a great bookmark, buddy. would that be ok?’ he said, ‘oh yeah, that would be good, too’. his 2nd grade art teacher i really like. he’s got them doing really interesting things. and i took a good angle to get the colors, but my boy does have about the weaving tension of the average 2nd grader. when you weave with yarn on cardboard, it always seems that the middles hourglass in. it’s the nature of learning the craft, i think.

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