it is only the shoveled paths
and the driveway, that the kids can play on now.
the actual snow is so deep that they mostly can’t move through it.
we’ve resorted to more and more inside activities this season.
the latest is acting out things
that the kids like or find interesting.
my 8 yr old picked ‘peep and the big wide world‘.
she assigned everyone parts and organized the ‘costumes’ (ie: papa’s bunny ears).
it was so much fun. here’s our cast of characters:
teenage sister = quack, the cranky big blue duck who always wears a hat
4 yr old brother = chirp, the always looking on the bright side red baby bird
the 8 yr old ‘director’ herself = peep, the philosophical chick9 yr old brother = the overly enthusiastic racoon
papa (the good sport) = the bunny (who was instructed on exactly how to hop properly)
some laughs and eye rolling was had by all.
what are you doing to fill your days with all the
unrelenting weather outside?
‘paths’ taken from 38:19-20 of job.
Super fun had by all, I imagine! 🙂 Creative children. Our snow has been too deep to do much in too. It’s freezing rain right now. Ugh!