busting out

this is my m.o..

a deadline approaches

and ‘boom!’ my head is instantly

full of new ideas inside and new designs that i feel i must explore or i will burst


but, the deadline is the priority.

so, i plow ahead at the task at hand

waiting impatiently to finish so that i might

play with the new ideas.

thankfully, the new ideas (though they churn around a bit)

do wait impatiently for me.

tomorrow morning the deadline and all its details will be conquered

and happily behind me.

then the new ideas can burst dramatically into bloom.

this, however, will not stop them in a few month’s time

from being the new deadlines that i am cramming to get past.

i need a new, more consistently even, m. o..

‘inside’ taken from 32:19 of job.

4 thoughts on “busting out

  1. Is a more consistently even m.o. even possible? I have quite a few creative friends, and we all work the same way. Too many projects. startitis, unfinished wips that wait for inspiration to come again, and so on. I don’t know any who work or create in a straight line, as I think of it. Certainly I don’t! 🙂

    • i love being creative, but i long to have the same enthusiasm for a project near it’s end as near it’s conception. very well might not be possible, but i want it none the less. if i figure out how, i’ll be sure to tell.

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