my eldest
sick and still sick.
looking for restful things to do
& wanting any way to play with the new little
sleepy owl,
she made him a bed.
really i guess it’s more like
a blanket to snuggle down into
which is perfect in the midst of the rain
and more rain that we’re having currently.
‘the brighter, the better’ is to her current liking
so i took the pic above to give you an idea of the intent of the gift.
it’s a good thing, really that the little guy has his eyes closed.
otherwise his sleepytime quilt might jar the sweet dreams right out of him
or at the very least wake him fully up.
here’s what it really looks like.
zip, zap, zut, zinger and zowy!
i love the enthusiasm of it.
i’m gonna wear less black
‘cuz this is too much fun
(don’t cha think?)
to be missing
out on.
‘wake’ taken from 57:8 of the book of psalms.