a swatch,
or a feeling that the swatch tries to capture,
or a place or color or memory that the swatch brings to mind…these are all ways that something new can begin.
if you take a pinch of all of these
right now,
and mix it with
the rich colors and exotic travels
of mrs. crosby, you’ll begin to get a taste of
my newest project, ‘the voyages of vivian’.
so with this swatch, on this monday,
let’s begin some
once a week fun, from now until the process is done.
i’m ready. are you?
‘ready’ taken from 32:19 of job.
‘mondays with mrs. crosby’
is an ongoing series of posts
(to be posted on mondays, of course),
detailing a current collaboration between mrs. crosby yarns
and me. stay tuned.