‘cherry on top’ giveaway

the yarnit

is doing a giveaway for mother’s day

and part of the prize is a copy of my new book ‘artistic differences’.

as a bonus, enough of classic elite yarns villa

is included for you to

knit up a pair of ‘silve’ fingerless gloves.

would you knit them for your mother? grandma? an aunt? a role model?

maybe even yourself?IMG_0439cropbrifor more info on how to enter

check out their facebook page here.

they’re saying new ways will be posted to enter

each day this week, so it might be worth going back to enter again.

can’t hurt, right?

‘day’ taken from 12:12 of job.


the science of the weekend

was twofold. the first trial was chemical:

can warm hardboiled egg in a confined space

really re-tarnish my necklace to its original aged glory

after the jeweler’s free post-repair cleaning?

results, a little tarnish formed, but there’s still a long way to go.IMG_9173cropthe second trial was more psychological:

if i bring my yarn filled yarnit to the new playground

is it up to the rough and tumble of

chasing after 3 or 4 kids?


although the yarnit fared well,

the mama (that’s me) should have known betterIMG_0298cropthan to think that any knitting would be accomplished at all

during a first visit to a new playground.

lessons learned.

‘known’ taken from 14:33 of proverbs.

yarn that almost got cast on at the playground is artesano yarns hand painted alpaca.

colorway shown is ‘meadow flowers‘.

will travel

i first saw kate and the yarnit

friday night at vklive in new york city.

this little nugget is so obviously made by a knitter for knitters,10410290_10100171656970027_5694256389859965537_ncropthat it stuck in my mind

despite all the other distracting lovelies in the marketplace that night.

by early saturday, i was sporting one

slung over my right shoulder.

now, you

can read all the great features of the yarnit

over on the website,

but here’s another one that isn’t mentioned:

it’s therapeutic

(unofficially, of course).

i am not very good at waiting in lines,

or walking slowly through a crowd to get where i’m headed.

no, i’m not very good at it at all.

i quickly feel impatient and fidgety

(do you see where i’m going with this?)

but, with the yarnit on, i have knitting at the ready.

my hands are happily busy so my patience kicks in,

leaving my head free to take in the rest of the scene

and enjoy my surroundings.

by saturday night i had finished the cowl

that i brought as great knitting for on the train.

by sunday i had started to design this new hat.IMG_8851cropit’s straightforward and easy to keep track of

while you and your yarnit are on the move.

i am about to write up the decreases

and will post finished pics

as soon as i can.

‘patience’ taken from 7:8 of ecclesiastes.



oh how love it.

i don’t love it tangled and unruly, though.

so, there’s this little contraption that i got in new york city: the yarnit.

i’ll tell you more about it and i at vklive tomorrow.

today i just want to show you

how happily it sits on the piano in my kitchen

(yes, i said ‘piano’ and yes, i said ‘in my kitchen’).IMG_8847cropi can knit a few stitches, stir whatever’s on the stove,

all the while knowing that the yarn will be exactly where i left it

(having not rolled down under the piano where the dust bunnies thrive).

the yarnit sits there while i chase after

whatever kid needs whatever thing at any given moment, too.

it’s sort of a nanny for my yarn and

this busy mama is really loving having a yarn nanny.

for sure.

‘chase’ taken from 12:11 of proverbs.