nearly, and then…

it was almost done.

just waiting for me to bind off

and for the zipper (more on that soon),

so i put it down for a day.

IMG_3956cropthen, when i came back to it,

i wasn’t so sure.

this happens to me.

i can get so caught up in the forward motion

that i forget to step back, take a deep breath,

and give it a good hard look.

the color, the needle size and the ribbing i still love.

it’s the drama i think stepped into overkill.

big yarn, bright color, wide rib, big shape, heavy zipper…

you see what i mean.

so i ripped back to start again.

casting on a few less stitches and deciding

 to work from the bottom up, instead of the from the top down.

if i’m gonna redo, i might as well redo in a big way.

here’s to new beginnings.

‘bright(ness)’ taken from 22:13 of samuel.

picking the pieces

the yarn is decided.

it’s the yummy ‘yotta’ from julie asselin.

stitch pattern of choice is in the works.  i’ve been playing with ideas.IMG_3852cropi know i want an overall rib, but which rib?

broken rib, mistake rib, 1×1 rib? twisted rib, 5×2 rib?

i am so very undecided,

but the swatching sure is fun.

next, i must choose something quirky (must because i really, really want to).

i want something that will make me want one of my own.

there are so many great patterns out there,

why do i want to spend my time on this one

(besides that it’s a great ‘excuse’

to play with the ‘yotta’)?

i was gathering up the ‘usual suspects’

(buttons, handmade pins, closures)

when i figured out what

i wanted.

IMG_3864shadea zipper.

(get a load of the silver sparkly one!)

not sure which zipper yet,

but i am sure about one being involved

in this newly forming pattern

whatever stitch it winds up being knit with.

but, i’m getting ahead of myself.

one piece at a time.

back to ribbing.

‘ahead’ taken from 14:7 of 1st samuel.


who needs ice cream when i can have this?

freshly arrived from julie asselin, let me introduce you to yotta.


the light is no good now to get the colors to look right, but it’s wowy wow wow!

(the colorway is called ‘fjord’ and the blues are intense in a really good way)

gorgeous.  at least 4 people tried to walk away with it

yesterday during sit ‘n’ knit at in the loop

(i fought them off w/pointy sticks).

have waited, and now it’s time i can finally grab the needles and have at it.

more about what it wants to become soon.

i’ll tell you as soon as it tells me.

‘light’ taken from 28:11 of job.