‘that’ kind of person

you would think that i would know myself well enough

not to be caught completely off guard by my own actions,

but this is not so.

turns out

that i

am one of

‘those people’

who read

the end of

the book


the middle.

i’d like to deny this.

i’d like to say it’s not true,

but it happened again last week.

i got to page 247 and the tension of not knowing how it all turned out

was way, way too much for me.  i squirmed, i struggled and then i flipped forward

scanning the pages for key words until i could piece together the end.

oddly, either a happy or a hard end would have satisfied me

equally well.  it’s the not knowing that gets me.

and now i can go back and enjoy the

story, knowing that the end

will be what it is,


‘the End’ taken from 21:6 of revelation.

5 thoughts on “‘that’ kind of person

  1. Haha, I’ve done that myself, only to be rather disappointed. It’s kinda like finding your Christmas presents on Dec. 1 – not as satisfying as you thought it would be.

    What book was it?

    • the book title was ‘where grace is needed’. obtusely, i’ve no idea who the author is. it was just a feel good story of a family coming together. pretty fluffy, but just what i was looking for.

  2. I’ve been driven by the suspense of a book to read the ending. I figure the only one who’s affected by this is me! 🙂

  3. Sometimes those kinds of books are just what is needed. 🙂 I vary in my reading, Holocaust writings, and Jodie Picoult are on my bedside table right now. 🙂

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