
the glint

of the cold,

it blinds me.


in its glare

i lose all sight.




a sliver of moon,

hope drips down

and the steady sound

holds me, tight.


how quickly

are my thoughts

buried, set aside

… by what is seen

… by what has been

until they are

nearly forgotten.



the dirt,

grounded by itโ€™s very nature,


‘thaw’ taken from 6:15-17 of job.

inspired by my friend j’s new venture: green knitting, teaching and literature all in one.

3 thoughts on “thaw

  1. This is delightful! I would love to meet the young man who needs a stapler at dawn. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ll bet he’s a creative boy. How is baby settling in?

    • my youngest guy is doing really well. he’s a trouper and settled himself in like he’s been here from the get-go. my middle guy (stapler boy) wound up making quite a thing with a couple of pieces of paper and loads of purposefully aimed staples before he declared it ‘done’ and moved on to legos. smile.

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