i like old afghans.
the brighter and more multi-colored the better.
but i know that many of my friends think i’m a bit off for this.
(these are my non-knitting/non-crocheting friends of course.)
so i was really jazzed to find
this glossy magazine page
staring up at me.
it is an ad
for the couch,
but the wall art and the colors
make me want to go and hang out
with whoever it is that lives in this room.
and do you see the very best bit of all?
it’s a way cool
multicolored afghan
very much like the one
in my grandpa’s old apartment
that recently became my new favorite
thing to snuggle up under as the air turns crisp
and begins to smell like fall a little more each day.
‘air’ taken from 41: 15-17 in the book of job.